Articles Posted in Suffolk County

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A doctor is applauding the efforts of a group of sixteen Midwest hospitals who are revising their practices in order to better protect newborns during childbirth.

According to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal, hospitals in the Ascension Health, Fairview Health Services and the University of Minnesota Public Health groups involved in the revision process have seen a drastic reduction in birth injuries and deaths in the two years since they began using the updated safety protocol series.

“Attorneys representing families who have experienced the tragedy of a birth injury have forced hospitals to take a hard look at what’s wrong with their practices. To their credit, these hospitals have responded positively and have taken up the challenge to improve.”

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It was revealed today that new studies are showing a strong link to the drug Prozac and persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) in newborns.

“PPHN does not allow newborns to get enough oxygen,” claims one Manhattan Birth Injury Lawyer. “In a medical journal this disorder is sadly described by one doctor, ‘Subsequently, with the loss of placental gas exchange and the inability to increase pulmonary blood flow, arterial oxygen tension falls to very low levels. If this situation is not reversed, the infant may die of severe hypoxemia.’ Women need to be aware of this risk before taking Prozac.” He added.

From the study it appears that babies born to mothers who took antidepressants like Prozac 20 weeks or later in their pregnancy were more than five times as likely to develop the condition than babies born to mothers who had not taken anti-depressants during their pregnancy. Hospitals in Nassau and Suffolk Counties are very aware of these situations.

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